Magical Port
For a Wanderer
A person living an ordinary life is confounded enough to extract extraordinary extempore.
Anish is very close friend of mine, always pleasant to talk but with the twig of makeup. He paddle through his daily life spilling false air and honest humor. He lights upon always with small acquaintances and flash awesome with the brisk nostalgic talks.
He mutes upon the same thought which makes you, me or perhaps everyone silence. A thought of carrying excess baggage on one’s mind and not off loading it at the desired port.
Peculiar disease nabbing everyone …!! True ?
But now as for the time keeps sprinting on Anish has learned about a magical port of off loading his creative shipments.
A port called ‘Flying Imagination with SONY DSC H7’
Anish is very close friend of mine, always pleasant to talk but with the twig of makeup. He paddle through his daily life spilling false air and honest humor. He lights upon always with small acquaintances and flash awesome with the brisk nostalgic talks.
He mutes upon the same thought which makes you, me or perhaps everyone silence. A thought of carrying excess baggage on one’s mind and not off loading it at the desired port.
Peculiar disease nabbing everyone …!! True ?
But now as for the time keeps sprinting on Anish has learned about a magical port of off loading his creative shipments.
A port called ‘Flying Imagination with SONY DSC H7’
With every shot and grab! Anish scales up his eyes to mark his enticement towards the imaginative lines.(Chinese Poetry rectied in french accent )
He knew that he is not a professional and neither his grabs will be displayed on some New York rebounded magazines, but his shots appeals only to himself about his inner appreciation which can neither be faked or created..Its that inner content which can be achieved only through your extraordinary extempore..which rallied from your mind and stack upon your heart .
somebody can feel himself right there in it.. amazin précis
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