Sunday, April 5, 2009


I cannot inhale it any further. White smoke infuriates me. White wall sickens me. I am not able to breathe properly.

It is barely half an hour and I have reached my 21st drag.

There are no echoing sounds in my mind. Or perhaps I just cannot mount any courage to hear those wailing sounds.
My face is numb like a hollow soul. My jaws are tight – there are no agony words.

‘White light is pouring upon her face, a sheer trace of gorgeousness’. Even the f***kin trash ventilator cannot redeem the wholesome purity of her face.

‘I need some fresh air’. I sullenly said to my self.

Night flies are exploding upon the streetlights. I am feeling very blind with these arrays of high beam flying motor cars.

‘M*** F**** s they feel they rule these lines’.

‘Brother! She only has ½ day more’. F*** Doctor and his F*** lips’ sound keep trailing my frozen soul.

‘I need another drag’. My fingers are shivering, my lips are shuddering, and I just cannot hold these eyes.


‘I love you, I love you … I LOVE YOU’. She was shouting like a kid, one who has just won a prom queen crown.


Life is a weird theory. ‘Please do not blink otherwise you may lose the glory’.

‘Can I have the light, Sir?’ I give him an amusing look, as if I was here only to lit his f***kin cigarette.

‘Yea sure’ .A hanging man lights up a cigarette, ending other person compulsive chase.
‘Nicotine what a M*** F*** addiction’.

I had won it all, I had felt it all, and there was no tinkering thought.



She was there, smiling at me, like a tiny dancer who thrives over my car console.
Her black hair was smashing. Her lipstick was 'the red'. There was no repulsive force between us. I have conquered her like an almighty emperor.

It was a brazen sky. Dense clouds with hidden smiles.

She was walking towards me. My heart was ecstatic. Every drop of blood was doing an adrenaline jig.

Suddenly this huge commotion, I do not know where it came from, the only thing I could see are the blood drops.

‘No ….No …it could not be you’ I scream. My F** heart was lying on the path of the fast emerging train.


‘Excuse me Mr.’ an itching voice comes from the behind.

‘Doctor is calling you, in his cabin’.

‘You must realize that we tried our level best. But because of the accident her complexities had increased to such a level that even if we would have tried any other trick in the medical world, it would have been of no use’

‘I am sorry for the loss’, he said with grim voice. I never understood a single alphabet, as my heart was mourning on the left ‘ICU’ bed.

I never realized how helpless we are, how uncanny this life is. One moment you feel you have reached the pinnacle of your life and suddenly ‘bang’, your life gets scattered in zillion mirror pieces.

I am not able to stand, my feet are burning, I walk to the ICU. I just cannot restrain my heart anymore.

‘You are the only thing I want in life. You are the only thing I know.
I don’t know what to do now, I don’t know …’

I am blank. I cannot even see myself in the mirror.
The only thing that is coming near to me is tearful darkness.

‘I need sleep, I f***in need sleep’. Even a sip of caffeine does not have any tranquility.

‘What they expect me to be calm and understandable?’ Let me remember my name first, your f***kin advise will be helpful afterwards.

‘She is lying in front of me, F***. I don’t want her here’

‘This is F***kin wrong!! F***kin wrong’

‘No……..oooh , I wont leave you here , I wont leave you here’. Black tears.

It is an eclipse moon.