Monday, November 16, 2009

Jack Narcissism!

I love Jack Nicholson, I just want to be like him, I mean the way he walks, the way he talks, even the way he grits his jaws and adjust his sunglasses. I just want to be like him!

I always feel it’s upon us, the ‘Guys’ to make a woman feel real special. In a manner that she relish the fact that she is the only female around. Correction! The only beautiful female, walking around.

I just want to get back to compliment’s the way Mr. Nicholson do, the real compliment where you are actually pouring a soft fragrance upon a women who in a manner is actually unaware of her physicality .

C’mon understand the beauty, the undeniable beauty of women eyes, when she realizes that here is the guy who is totally and enormously in awe of her. And your compliment is actually a cold vibrant air near her soft ear buds. Embrace them with words, the poetically brilliant words, these exuberant words are actually there to tribute them.

So imagine,

Here is Mr. Nicholson, all dressed up, no fake glances, only dark shade glasses and one undeniable smile telling one beautiful lady that

‘You my lady is one beautifully deep breath. A breath which is actually breathtaking and which can make my pale heart goes breathless’

The female try gulping it first.

‘With this scent of your body and the color of your eyes I find myself taken away. Taken away to the mountain from I can see only one cloud. A sculpture of your face’

Here is the time when she started feeling that he is high on flirting and this is the part which makes me a fan of Mr. Nicholson.

Leaning over to her side, the guy smiles and the rest is Jack Narcissism!

‘So Baby do you really like all these words or you prefer me being just a Real Man’



At November 17, 2009 at 5:47 AM , Blogger Supriya said...

Mr.Kidwai is himself polishing his narcissistic skills in tandem with his pre existing woman swooning skills...not bad champ!
u say that to a real woman n shel take it forward im sure;)

At November 18, 2009 at 1:28 AM , Blogger Satish Naidu said...

I only take Viagra when I'm with more than one woman.

People who speak in metaphors should shampoo my crotch.

With my sunglasses on, I'm Jack Nicholson. Without them, I'm fat and 60.

I have a lot of vanity.

All of them, by Jack Nicholson.


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