Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ginger Tea

‘What is with you? Why are you acting as if I m not visible to you ‘

‘Oh … No actually I was… just you know! Was observing this glass. I
mean don’t you feel this cool ginger tea in it, is actually giving a
look of brown cloud spreading over the sky.’

‘What ?...What ..’. She trembles her eyes.

‘Oh God, I left my work, came fast forward, dint even wait for a bus
and month end!! but still grab an auto, only and only, so that my
poetic friend do not wait in the sun. and here is this goof head
fellow !! all busy , finding metaphors in this awfully tasting ginger
tea….Amazingly awesome huh!’. She was sarcastic.

‘Oh yes metaphors!! Awesome…naa!’ I replied smiling to her

‘You are crazy ..You know that..’ she made her point

‘ahmmm..yea but I m crazy for other things too!’. I winked my eyes on that.

‘Hey ..did you notice I am looking a little different today’

I was waiting for this line.

‘Yes you do look different today!’

‘Okieee ..what different ?‘. Now she was excited.

‘Ah…..Not much different…I mean..! you know… you got this nose ring
..and I mean its looking hot! ...making your face more artistic’.
What a scrimpy reply

‘Hmm… and what kind of artistic..?’ .Why this a question?

‘ What kind of artistic….mmm..ok ..ok.. its like Gypsy or Nomad kind
of artistic..I mean have you ever seen those rajasthani females with
three black dots on their chins and those deadly eyes..that kind of
I felt it was the end of this topic but actually …

‘ First of all Dude!! Rajasthani females are not gypsy or nomad its
their culture thing. Second , I never felt that the nose rings which
rajasthani females put on are artistic..
I mean they are huge and they look horrible on anyone… oh Great !!!
you feel my nose ring is like that..Oh god why ‘.
Why she have to make that kind of face ..

‘You think I m making fun of you….No ..i mean it my way of looking and
I think Rajasthani females are hot!’ I tried to pacify

‘So why don’t you go to rajasthan with this argument and marry a hot
nose ring rajasthani girl’.What a fountain of thought.
‘ Oh…Oh I actually wanted to do so…believe me since child hood I am
like dreaming to do so ..going to rajasthan and finding a huge nose
ring ridden female’. I reacted ..

‘Whatever man! Its your life…’ now she is all selfless.

‘Ok Shuuu.. I don’t want to continue on this’

Its was a two minute pause and I could feel her fast heart and the
deadly scorns which were that kept flying through her eyes.

…..After 2 min ……………’

‘You know while coming here ..I saw this huge hoarding of this Mall
and the discount they are offering and tagline was Recession is not
for you to get worried but for you to really enjoy. OK!! Now honestly
what dumb mind could really think of this…’ I tried to make a new

‘Hmmm..actually I feel it’s a very smart tagline..Have you ever
observed that malls earn more in discount season than the overall
period..We folks are so obsessed with the word discount that whenever
and whatsoever shop has this lable like discount ..we always and
always rush into it or check it first.’

‘Yea…C’mon it’s a proud Indian thing’. I giggled.

‘Yes now when there is no discount season..the smart asses down there
have discovered a new season..recession season, and believe me the
dumb hoarding like this will do wonder the mall’.

‘Hmm…50% discount but yes don’t fall for it ..coz there lies lots of
deceptive *Condition apply’. Finally we both had a laugh together.

There is something about this female ..I mean you can not keep
yourself away from that thing.. She is like a Trojan ..honestly I
realized the meaning of word platonic because of her but again I can
not really make sense out of this word for long ..because, I feel
every word governs a feeling that is temporary and feelings can never
be a word..actually.

‘Ok ..why female wearing pink becomes eye catcher to guys like you ?’

‘Huh no ..actually I was not at all checking her’

‘Oh Come loser’

And hence our small rendezvous continues and streamed like this….


At March 31, 2009 at 12:49 PM , Blogger AJ said...

sounds familiar!! found it genuine n pictorial...


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