Monday, October 27, 2008

Melodic Mr Jaiswal's & His perpetual song...

True Dummy, a serene folklore of human’s existence.

While reading this book there are always moments of galloping metaphors and raffling mirages.
Its fanciful pictorial lines keep floating in your heart for an elated span of time.

The musical symphony which it resonates keeps retracting you in the auditorium of magical sound. An alluring soundtrack which gushes on and on in this auditorium, has the synthesized echoes of the ‘ belligerence of ecstasy’, the ‘dispersion of venomous sensitivity’, the ‘reconciliation with eternity’ and a finale sound of ‘What is Lost and what is found’.

This book is estrange and holds no glory of vague myth .It’s only for mystical readers like us, who once enjoyed reading amidst the cold air and solemn shadow of
the banyan tree.

A tide that will elope you till the somersalt of full moon.. Amen!

True Dummy - a fable of existence
Author: Ashish Jaiswal

I am honored that i work with you


Friday, October 17, 2008

Challa..( Loss & Found)

Rabbi Shergill is different ..

I am not a Punjabi neither I understand the language but his songs fetters my soul.The melancholy he echoes through some of his songs shatter the hidden illusion which I silently flaunt to myself.
Here I just want to talk about this one particular song..
I am listening this song for 20th time and the impact is certainly getting more and more mysterious now
Don’t ask me about the meaning of the song . Just sooth along!!

My interpretation of this steering Song

It’s a serene river flowing between the valleys of crumbled rock
The boatman is lost, His paddle is stolen

Sun is too bright and water crystal are blinding his eye

No tree to tender shadow, no compassion to make him glow

Moon is spiral in it approach

There is no truth till you believe in God’s approach

The boatman prays ..he prays for us

His eyes began a nostalgic journey to draws comparisons for past and what happened to his course

His eyes are still closed

He finds a ring that’s loops from a root and succumb s to a route.

The mystery behind his existence

What he has lost and what he has found

What he has started and what he will end


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Betty!!


Betty Cooper the blonde with ribbon tied hairs , quintessential ‘Girl next Door ‘smile and bighearted eyes is one the most commonly identified character sketched from Archie’s comics world but if asked to relate ‘We reply by saying I am more of Veronica then Betty or Veronica is more my kinna female!!’ .

I believe every guy in his life has met or may meet a girl who has or will have spew the real scent of 'Betty Copper' .But some devations are inevitable!! ...due to our unearthly puzzlements we had never realize her distinctive and lucid traits ( REASON : The ‘Veronica lodge Oomph factor' which always keep clutching our head buttons ). Truth is though in public we may never confessed it profoundly, but still million blokes like me and you has always dreamt of friend like her !!!Betty Cooper ......the Confident and alluring Cinderella of Riverdale High.

Now for those who understood my thought!!

Some has already find her while some are still looking for her

A Confession : My friend Betty has a prism personality….

She reflect a pleasant glow of smirking face and charismatic voice...That tells you about her large heart and deep sensitivity
While she refracts the eyes of savior, the person to whom you can rely at the last moment of crumbling nervousness.
She refracts the feeling of someone …somewhere …who will be always there.

The best characteristic which I like about my friend Betty is her swaggering smile, which wins your heart with the amazingly awesome wink
‘I know, I can and I will’

FYI: Elizabeth "Betty" Cooper is a fictional character of Archie Comic. Betty likes sports, enjoys writing and keeps a diary

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Magical Port

For a Wanderer

A person living an ordinary life is confounded enough to extract extraordinary extempore.
Anish is very close friend of mine, always pleasant to talk but with the twig of makeup. He paddle through his daily life spilling false air and honest humor. He lights upon always with small acquaintances and flash awesome with the brisk nostalgic talks.
He mutes upon the same thought which makes you, me or perhaps everyone silence. A thought of carrying excess baggage on one’s mind and not off loading it at the desired port.
Peculiar disease nabbing everyone …!! True ?

But now as for the time keeps sprinting on Anish has learned about a magical port of off loading his creative shipments.
A port called ‘Flying Imagination with SONY DSC H7’

With every shot and grab! Anish scales up his eyes to mark his enticement towards the imaginative lines.(Chinese Poetry rectied in french accent )

He knew that he is not a professional and neither his grabs will be displayed on some New York rebounded magazines, but his shots appeals only to himself about his inner appreciation which can neither be faked or created..Its that inner content which can be achieved only through your extraordinary extempore..which rallied from your mind and stack upon your heart .